Caption: Military Intelligence. Fact: U.S. Military 2008 Presidential campagn donations from deployed U.S. troops favor Barack Obama over John McCain by a 6:1 margin.
I love these posters! I will send the link to friends. One question though... could you include any sources you used to support the content so we can be prepared for any challenges?
This particular statistic of military campaign contributions came from the Center for Responsive Politics. You can read a good analysis of the data here:
PRINT THE TRUTH is the first distributed political poster system in history. Every day until the election, we give you a free poster. Print as many as you can, paste em up. Put them on the office fridge, the cars in the lot, on your vacuum cleaner, wherever you can.
With 100,000 people printing 10 posters a day, we can hang 60 million important messages between now and election day. Power to the printer, power to the people.
I love these posters! I will send the link to friends. One question though... could you include any sources you used to support the content so we can be prepared for any challenges?
Thanks/Great work,
This particular statistic of military campaign contributions came from the Center for Responsive Politics. You can read a good analysis of the data here:
Some of the other posters quote stats from various sources including CNN, The New York Times, The Huffington Post and Talking Points Memo.
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